Tag Archives: northern Ontario

Tree Planting

May 10th – July 1st, 2013

Sapawe, Pakwash, and Wenesaga – Northwest Ontario

2013 Planting Crew

2013 Planting Crew (Photo Cred to Lisa: http://www.flickr.com/photos/liselking/)

Most of the the tree planters I know love tree planting, and won’t hesitate to let you know at the slightest sign of interest. Most of the tree planters I know also hate tree planting. They hate the sleet and snow that soaks through their steel toes and rain jackets in the cold weeks of early May. They hate the tendonitis and carpal tunnel that planting in too much hard soil brings about. They hate the relentless swarms of blackflies, the deer flies that come out in the heat of the day and tear out chunks of skin behind their ears, they hate the no-see-ums that crawl through mosquito netting and keep you up at night, they hate the mosquitos that bite through jeans and shirts. They hate the summer heat of late June that drains their bodies of water and energy.
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