Tag Archives: Alberta

Take Two

When I first decided that I was going to travel around the world, I pictured it as a linear path. I would set out from Vancouver, save money tree planting, get sailing certifications, land a job on a yacht, build up experience in the Caribbean, and then sail across the ocean. Looking at a map its all pretty clear cut – rideshare down the traffic heavy interstates, hitchhike on quieter roads, take a sailing course here, ships start sailing out of San Diego toward the South Pacific in December, apply for a holiday work visa in Australia and so on.
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A quick update

July 12th – August 10th, 2013


Calgary Stampede, Calgary AB. Photo cred – Lisa

After spending a few days in Calgary, I met up with a few friends that I’d been planting with in Ontario who’d come West to check out the stampede. We didn’t make it to any of the real cowboy events there, the chuckwagon races or the rodeo – planning and expensive tickets proved to be too much of an obstacle. We spent most our time on the stampede grounds which was a spectacle of corn dogs, cowboy hats, carnival rides, texas hold ‘em, deep fried butter, country music, and overpriced budweisers.
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