Acapulco to Honolulu

January 6

We tie off from the dock in the morning saying goodbye to our new Swiss friends, a retired couple and their daughter who moored next to us on the docks yesterday. We went out with them last night to watch the cliff divers again, this time at a restaurant overlooking the cliffs. We stuck around for hours drinking Mexican beer and watching diver after diver jump.

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Norfolk to Fort Lauderdale

Sebastien Decroix, Nick Leggatt, and I motored Melina out from the Chesapeake bay early (American) thanksgiving morning in calm winds and grey skies. The calm of the bay was deceptive and, even with Seb’s  warning that “the waves will be a bit impressive, yea,” I wasn’t prepared for the turbulent seas where the tropical gulf stream and the cold North Atlantic waters meet. It seemed about as rough as water can get to my green eyes.
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On crossing the pacific

“So… you’re going to Korea!? I can’t even keep up with your plans… It’s too bad you won’t be here for christmas. But I’m not really believing you that you will or won’t be here until Christmas day. Seeing as your plans change every other second.”
my brother Shaun on my plan making, or perhaps lack thereof.

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