Gone Planting

Photo cred to Maya

Photo cred to Maya

“I will never forget the time I took off my boot and threw it into an afternoon so thick with bugs that I could see the tunnel of its trajectory. My feet hurt. My wrists hurt. My skin hurt. Still, I know my grandchildren will see the trees and be glad I did it. I will tell them about the bugs and the bosses and it will sound like the stories of the war my grandfather told me. It was war, another children’s crusade. We did it because we had to, and even though it was hell, it had a kind of peace that was hard to leave behind. Every time.”

— Sasha Rogers (Quoted in Hélène Cyr’s “Handmade Forests: The Treeplanter’s Experience”)

There’s nothing like getting bush mail to feel loved. Write to me during the next two months and I’ll be sure to write back:

Craig Turney
PRT Frontier (Matt Camp) Box 757
Dryden, ON
P8N 2Z4